Explanation: iOS architecture
1. Cocoa Touch Layer: The Cocoa Touch Layer is the first and topmost layer in the iOS architecture; it contains some of the most important frameworks related to applications. Provides frameworks for iOS app development such as Map Kit, iAD, Game Kit, Events (Touch), View Controllers, and UIKit.
2. Media Services Layer: The Media Services Layer mainly deals with media files such as audio and video. It also handles important technologies such as OpenGL ES and OpenAL, Core Graphics, Core Media, and AV Foundation
3. Core Services Layer: The Core Services Layer is mainly responsible for managing basic system services used by iOS applications. Provides a foundation to upper layers such as Threading, File Access, Preferences, Collections (NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet), Networking, Address Book, and High Level Features (iCloud, In-App Purchase, and SQLite). It offers services such as iCloud Storage, Grand Central Dispatch, Block Objects, and In-App Purchase.
4. Core OS Layer: The Core OS Layer is the most important layer because it provides the maximum features for the applications. It provides most of the frameworks required by the applications for their accurate functionality. Provides low-level services like Security Firmware, Accelerate FW, External Accessary FW, System (Threading, Networking, Filesystem Access, Standard I/O, Bonjour & DNS Services, Locale Information, and Memory Allocation)