Place the following in order of volatility from most volatile to the least volatile
A: Registers and cache, routing tables, temporary file systems, disk storage, archival media
B: Archival media, temporary file systems, disk storage, archival media, register and cache
C: Register and cache, temporary file systems, routing tables, disk storage, archival mediaRegisters and cache, routing tables, temporary file systems, archival media, disk storage
D: Registers and cache, routing tables, temporary file systems, archival media, disk storage
Explanation: According to the RFC 3227, below is an example of the order of volatility for a typical system:
1.Registers and cache
2. Routing table, process table, kernel statistics, and memory
3. Temporary system files
4. Disk or other storage media
5. Remote logging and monitoring data that is relevant to the system in question
6. Physical configuration, and network topology
7. Archival media