EC-Council: Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator(CHFI-V10)
Module 1 : Computer Forensics in Today's World
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Question No 11

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QID: 151  
Fred, a cybercrime investigator for the FBI, finished storing a solid-state drive in a static resistant bag and filled out the chain of custody form. Two days later, John grabbed the solid-state drive and created a clone of it (with write blockers enabled) in order to investigate the drive. He did not document the chain of custody though. When John was finished, he put the solid-state drive back in the static resistant and placed it back in the evidence locker. A day later, the court trial began and upon presenting the evidence and the supporting documents, the chief justice outright rejected them. Which of the following statements strongly support the reason for rejecting the evidence?

A:    John investigated the clone instead of the original evidence itself
B:    John did not document the chain of custody
C:    Write blockers were used while cloning the evidence
D:    Block clones cannot be created with solid-state drives


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